Friday, November 20, 2009

SYNDROME: aku nak kahwin!!

assalamualaikum and greetings to all..

before apa2 aku nak cakap dulu,
bukan aku nak kahwin ok.
scary aku rasa..
but to be frank..
my beloved friends keep talking about this 'marriage' thingy
everywhere..& most of the time.
during lunch hour, at hostel, even in the class!
everybody has been infected by this so call
'miang2 keladi' syndrome

some are too materialistic:
"Aku kalau nak cari suami, yang penting kaya raya, hantaran RM5000000.."

"mak aku punya syarat, mesti kena yang anak datuk.."

some are funny and cool:
"kitakan dah belajar sampai math4.kalau dapat budak medic kan comel.aku ajar dia kira2, dia ajar aku bio.hahaha"

"aku nak kahwin umur 30."

"janganlah dapat yang kelantan, terengganu..tak paham aku nanti"

some are good too:
"kita nak yang doktor dan hafal quran"

"aku tak kesah asal dia boleh bimbing aku ke arah yang lebih baik ok da"


ok.that enough!
whatever your choice and dream..
bear in mind that
your personality reflects your partner
pray for the best.

"And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mate from among yourselves, that you may dwell tranquillity with them, and He has put love and mercy between your(hearts); verily in that are Signs for thos ewho reflect"

buat kawan2 aku yang masih couple tu
aku doakan korang cepat2 kahwin
senang nak pegang2,dating2,peluk2,berdua2..
tak ya da risau pasal halal haram (risau ke?)
no offence.

p/s: by the way, can a girl approaches boy if he is too slow??haha..sound gluttonous!

1 comment:

Nor Amalina Binti Mohamed Johari said...

Salam. Tikah, sori aku baru buka2 member kita punya blog. Dah sebulan tak bukak blog, so blog korang2 pun aku tak update. By the way, sangat2 menarik entri nih. Haha. Thanx for reminding. =)