Monday, June 29, 2015

Spiritual murder


Sometimes I get myself difficult to understand and contemplate the language of al-quran which led me reading it blindly and meaningless. It might be because I did not understand Arabic or my heart are so dark with sin until I did not get the wisdom beyond what I read or I am to rush to finish it.

We actually have more understanding from listening compare to reading by ourselves. Instead of reading the tafseer after reading some ayat in al-quran, I found a lot of videos explaining to us about the ayat in the al-quran which can help us understand more. Of course, going to the al-quran class and talaqi from cover to cover with mursyid teacher is the best act of learning the al-quran (and in fact most of the knowledge) but this one effort made by Nouman Ali Khan to explain deeply the ayat or chapter in the al-quran  in a short video in Youtube is very good for our recap.

Like in this video, he explains more detail about one ayat that quite famous to us but we always take for granted the wisdom in it which is


Nor come nigh to adultery: for it is a shameful (deed) and an evil, opening the road (to other evils).
Dan janganlah kamu menghampiri zina, sesungguhnya zina itu adalah satu perbuatan yang keji dan satu jalan yang jahat (yang membawa kerosakan).
(Al-Israa' 17:32)

Allah ask us don't even go near to zina. In fact the act of things that we think it is not haram but the fact that it will suck us into it as we get involve in it until certainly it pull us little by little to the haram things is also forbidden for us. That's why we always have to contemplate ourselves, watch our everyday act and pray to Allah to protect us from all the evil deeds and horrible path.

And what amazing about this ayat said Ust Nouman is the ayat that coming after it which Allah tells us not to take people life (innocent person) except for just cause. We always think that murdering a person is a huge crime but Allah mention the ayat about zina first before talking about murdering one's life. The spiritual murder (fahsyah) which perhaps more dirty than physical murder (killing people). We take so granted about our spiritual prices which effecting a lot on our solat, our dua, our character, our family and our dignity. Allahu Allah..

A good heart is when see something unappropriate which does not coincide with the commandment of Allah, it disturbed not attracted. But if it feel no guilty doing inappropriate things that was sign of horrible spiritual state. Wal iya zubillah. May Allah protect us from involving in this horrible path and ease our way to have a very pure spiritual way of life in this blessing month of Ramadhan and the months forward.

p.s: Masjid Negeri Pahang is opened for registration for al-quran class every start of the year. Its about a year course until we can khatam it with good mahraj, sifat and tajwid. In fact there is tafaqquh fiddeen class on going every saturday and sunday. How I feel bless knowing that and living here.. huhu..Really hope can go there.



It's now 12 Ramadhan already. How time flies so fast.

We have another half time to really make this blessing month fully worthwhile for our self-improvement. Even it is a bit late, I found that these videos by Nouman Ali Khan are very motivated for me. It is a really good time for us to understand the al-quran, train ourselves from our lust desire and be productive in our life.

Hope that in this month I can understand al-quran more, be closure to Allah and help myself to have a firm heart which can restrain me from doing any harm/ haram things to myself and others. Talking is nothing without action. Move on Atikah!

Sunday, June 14, 2015



Kadang-kadang manusia terlupa akan penasihat dan peneman terbaiknya saat berada dalam kesukaran mahupun kesedihan..

Akulah tu..!

Pernah terdengar satu kata-kata hikmah ni.."Kalau mahu Allah bercakap dengan kita, bacalah al-quran. Kalau mahu bercakap dengan Allah, solatlah." Dan Dialah sebaik-baik peneman kita dikala senang ataupun duka.

Walaupun hati kadang terlalu sukar untuk hadir saat membaca al-quran mahupun solat, namun digagahi juga untuk melawan segala bisikan yang jelek kerana satu keyakinan yang masih berbaki di dalam hati bahawasanya Dia tidak akan pernah meninggalkan kita.

"Oleh itu, maka (tetapkanlah kepercayaanmu) bahawa sesungguhnya tiap-tiap kesukaran disertai kemudahan. (Sekali lagi ditegaskan) bahawa sesungguhnya tiap-tiap kesukaran, disertai kemudahan."

Yakin dengan janji-janji Allah dan sentiasa bersangka-baik dengan-Nya kerana Dia adalah sebagaimana prasangka kita terhadapnya. Wallahua'lam.

Monday, June 8, 2015

There is always hope


Ini ada kisah sedih yang aku baca di fb (haisy. pagi2 dah bukak fb!).. Sangat sedih sampai membuatkan aku nangis saat membacanya.. Tak tahulah.. dunia akhir zaman ni, macam2 bentuk kemungkaran dan kejahilan berlaku sampai rasa takut nak hadapi semua ni. Cerita dekat bawah ni mungkin rekaan semata-mata, tapi aku percaya benda ni berlaku. In fact, aku pernah berhadapan dengan benda macam ni dan aku pun jadi kaku tak tau nak react (macam pekerja dalam cerita ni).. Bila berhadapan dengan benda2 macam ni, aku sedih dengan diri sendiri sebab tak tau dan tak mampu nak buat apa, tapi rasa bersyukur sangat sebab Allah masih pelihara aku walaupun aku selalu juga lalai. Moga Allah bagi kekuatan bagi hambanya dalam mencari hidayah dan mengeluarkan diri dari kejahilan..

A girl came into the shop looking for a breast pump. I asked who is it for as I need to explain on how to use it. She looks like under 16.
She kept quiet. Her mum walks in. I asked if its for her.
"Ni haaaa untuk anak makcik ni. Puteri ni tak abih sekolah dah beranak pulak"
I was caught off guard. I said my code word to my staff and off they stayed far away from me and the customer.
Trying not to stare, I asked the girl, "Bayinya sihat?"
She just nodded. I think she is either scared or she is embarrased.
Tahniah. I explained to her that is the right move to breast fed her baby.
The big mother said, "duit bukannya ada budak-budak ni nak beli susu, jadi kena pam sendirilah"
I just ignored this loud big mother. I think i deal with her later.
I turn to this scared timid looking girl.
I explained that it is ok not to give infant formula. Mother's breast milk is the best for the baby and the mother. Healing process would accelerate too. Main thing, no stress and eat well for the mother. With that, the quality milk will be better. She smile.
I look at her, for whatever reason, know this " you are not a lost cause." in Malay I said "Adik jangan susah hati. Orang drama tv kata, babak hidup Adik tak berakhir lagi. Masih ada ruang nak bina diri"
I hate myself a bit when I have to explain my thoughts in Malay. But the point that I wish for her is that she is not a lost cause.
Ada apa nak tanya lagi?
Big mother "Pil Minda tu dia boleh makan tak? Dah ada anak pun kena amik peksa. Nanti nak sara anak macam mana kan?"
Tak boleh makcik, sebab dia susu badan.
"Mak, Takpelah mak. Xxxx jaga baby ni dulu. Lepas abih SPM, bole jahit masak jaga anak sekali. Xxxx dah ada rancangan lah."
First of all, I do wish they would not talk all this infront of me. Malu and sad really. But damnnn, she got a plan. Better than the last girl who said she wants to study cosmetic, be an artiste bagai. At least this one is realistic.
I noticed this girl pun chantek jugak. Ok ok ok. Focus.
So I explained how breast pump works. Looks easy. Ok.
The big mother ask. "Awak tak nak tanya ke budak camni napa mengandung?"
By this time, nothing surprises me anymore.
"Makcik, yang penting ibu dan anak Selamat. Benda lain buat bukak aib dan datang fitnah saya rasa saya tak masuk campur."
She blinked. In my mind, do not make her an enemy.
"Dan syukur sangat Adik ni ada mak penyayang macam makcik. Dia dan bayi dia ada harapan lagi. Sokongan keluarga tu penting. Makcik ni bagus sangat."
I don't know if she boughtu what I said to her just now.
"Ni menantu saya. Laki dia anak saya. Nak marah pun tak guna"
"Baguslah tu."
I think i had enough. That little girl had enough here.
I just turn to the girl. Belajar tanam sayur sekali dik. Boleh buat niaga. She smile.
No one is perfect.
No one wants to be outcast.
But fate has its own story line that needs to fulfiled.
My staff was scared that day. I told them do not be scared if you live honestly. Know your right. Say "no" if its against your will and more importantly, be smart.
For this xxxx girl. She is going to be a terrific girl and a good mother.
I may not help her much today. But I am satisfied that I managed to kick some sense to the big mother.
My only thoughy is for the mom and baby. That is what matters.
This can happen to any one of us. Really.
Syed Azmi, not my best. Not my best.

p.s: One thing that I always remind myself  , "Don't look down on anyone unless you are helping them out". But even though you are helping them, still don't look down on them (salah faham plak kang) and proud with your so called 'kindness'. Do it with your sincere heart and for the sake of Allah. Ikhlas. Senang cakap tapi susah nak buatkan. Hmm