Saturday, March 13, 2010


Sir K: People nowadays are too liberal...
Student: ha?! (sambil berbisik-‘apa kene mengena kimia dgn liberal..)
Sir K: do you know what liberal is? It’s like..hmm.. Take one example. You and your friends want to take, let say a lunch. Then you go to the nearby restaurant which has the ‘halal’ logo to get some food. Without any other consideration, you simply take an order. That is called liberal and it is not good actually.
Student: why not sir?
Sir K: you want to know a story? One day, went I was parking at the back of one very popular restaurant, then I saw one Chinese guy carried a basket of chicken. Half slaughter and half not. I was very shocked because I used to eat at that restaurant. That time I was too liberal too..
Student: hahaha…is there any ‘halal’ logo there, sir?
Sir K: of course it was. It’s a ‘mamak restaurant’.
Student: Ya allah..oh my god! (peminat warung mamak terkejut habis)
Sir K: and you know what?! You too are too liberal.
Student: hmm?!?
Sir K: how can some student got 4.5 for answer question no 2 b part II whereas others got 4.345. (time tu mereka tgh dicsuss quiz 5)You are too liberal in dealing with significant figure. I’ll be very strict on this during your final paper. Next time you should be very careful and not be too liberal with this even though it looks simple to you.
p/s: Sorry semua. Blog lama yg berterabur dan tak di update sekian lama telah ditutup khas utk tatapan diri sendiri. Lepas balik dari baktisiswa hari tu, rasa macam nak buat blog baru. Bukan sbb nak lebih liberal. Tapi, sesaje je. Terlebih rajin and ngada2 kut.hmm.. bak kata org terengganu 'nebeng'. Lebih kurang la mcm tu. Aku still aku yg dulu. Memang bukan yg tulis blog utk cerita kisah kehidupan diri. Tulis blog hanya utk share apa yg rasa nak di share dan membuangkan masa sedikit.Just have fun ok !.hehe..
Btw, welcome to my new blog!

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